New functionality provides a straightforward method for radiologists to indicate the first imaging test, or sign or symptom that triggered subsequent workup and diagnosis of breast cancer.
Ikonopedia is designed to streamline workflow and compliance for women’s imaging centers and radiologists. Facilitating compliance to the ACR BIRADS is a core competency of the platform and doing it in a manner that provides enhanced diagnostic precision and time-saving efficiency is central to Ikonopedia’s mission. Coupling the platforms’ ability to ensure compliance and streamline workflow with its Risk Aware patient risk assessment service provides a comprehensive, structured framework to ensure patients receive the best possible care.
The ACR’s “Method of Detection” guidelines are designed to provide radiologists with a structured approach to categorize and document the first test or clinical event to trigger the work-up leading to the histologic diagnosis of breast cancer. These guidelines help standardize reporting and will help answer important questions about the balance of risks and benefits of screening mammography.
After working extensively with our radiologist clients, we are releasing a modification to our well-adopted workflow to include “Smart Method of Detection Selection”. After searching exam history, Ikonopedia provides a concise list of the most likely “MOD” triggers based on available data. The radiologist can accept the system suggestion or override it, giving them the final say in choosing the most appropriate “MOD” says Emily Crane, Ikonopedia CEO.
About Ikonopedia
Ikonopedia is the only cloud-based data analytics and structured reporting system for breast imaging. In addition to improving efficiency and enhancing data collection, it also provides reporting safety features not offered by other companies. Ikonopedia is BI-RADS and MQSA compliant. Ikonopedia was founded by three expert breast imaging radiologists: László Tabár, MD is the author of 6 books in 10 languages on mammography and a world-renowned educator; A. Thomas Stavros, MD is the author of one of the most popular reference books in the field of breast ultrasound; and Michael J. Vendrell, MD is an expert in breast MRI and CAD design with extensive experience in breast-imaging software.

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