RICHARDSON, Texas, Nov. 21, 2016 /PRNewswire/ — With installations recently completed at such sites as CareFirst Imaging in Ocala, Florida, The Outpatient Diagnostic Center, Beaumont, Texas, Suffolk Medical Imaging, Lake Grove, NY, and Medical Arts Radiology, Long Island, NY, Ikonopedia experienced strong growth in 2016. Ikonopedia will showcase its suite of breast imaging reporting tools for screening and diagnostic modalities including mammography, ultrasound, and MRI at the upcoming 102nd Annual Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) meeting, November 27-December 2, 2016, in Konica Minolta booth (South Hall #1919), who is an integration partner.
Building on the successful completion of its first completely remote installation of its innovative structured breast reporting software earlier this year, many of Ikonopedia’s recent installations have been completed remotely. Also this year, Ikonopedia successfully completed its installation at Charlotte Radiology, one of the largest mammography providers in the country. Implementing its comprehensive suite of breast imaging software tools, the installation is designed to help streamline processes, improve reporting efficiency and optimize facility operations across the Charlotte Radiology enterprise.
Installation is also underway at Medical Arts Radiology, one of the largest medical imaging practices in Long Island, New York. Seven of Medical Arts’ nine sites have dedicated women’s imaging centers. With an active and expanding women’s imaging service, the partners recognized the need to upgrade their existing reporting system, which was outdated, labor intensive, and had potential for human error. Barry Morgenstern, M.D., Director of Breast Imaging at Medical Arts Radiology, said “Ikonopedia represents the best software solution to address all of our clinical needs with a cloud-based system capable of overcoming geographical restrictions.”
According to Dr Morgenstern, the Ikonopedia features that sold the practice included enhanced patient care workflow, a user-friendly reporting interface designed by radiologists for radiologists, tablet entry of patient data by staff, integration of risk assessment tools such as Tyrer-Cuzick, and customization of reporting.
Ikonopedia is an innovative structured breast reporting and MQSA management system designed to dramatically improve reporting efficiency, and optimize facility operations. All findings are saved as discrete data which allows Ikonopedia to prevent errors, maintain BI-RADS-compliant language and automate many time-consuming processes. Ikonopedia makes it possible to eliminate laterality errors, automatically choose exam-appropriate patient letters and pull forward findings from past exams along with many other time-saving features. Built on modern technology, Ikonopedia employs a closed-loop follow-up system to make sure that no patient can ever get lost in the shuffle of a busy clinic.
“We have seen tremendous growth this year and we believe this further demonstrates the appropriateness of Ikonopedia’s breast reporting tools for a boutique private practice all the way to bustling academic centers,” said Emily Crane, CEO of Ikonopedia.
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